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Always carry a water bottle with you

There is an increase in number of patients in the clinic presenting with a #seizure episode and #headache. Less water intake during this season of intense heat can precipitate a seizure or headache. Ensure your child drinks at least 2 and 1/2 litres of water a day. Know your #triggers to avoid such episodes; and enjoy your summer vacation!

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I do - so do you can!

There could be no worse crime than a brutal rape and murder of a 8-year-old girl. Safeguard your children and other children near you. Be vigilant and don’t hesitate to talk to your children about sexual abuse.

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Know your seizure warnings, sometimes even just a few seconds can help you alert someone to a pending seizure, or allow you to take yourself to a safe space .... PS: not everyone has a warning, in many cases seizures just happen out of the blue. Do you get a warning? What is it?

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On the occasion of World health day - let’s pledge for easy accessibility of quality health care for all.
